Kauai Plastic Bag Reduction Ordinance
Whew! That was a long title, it refers to an ordinance that goes into effect today on Kauai. Basically, retailers are to provide to their customers only checkout bags that are recyclable paper bags, biodegradable bags, and/or reusable bags. The bags used must comply with definitions within the law. Within the ordinance it further states that there are no biodegradable bags currently on the market that meet that definition of the law. Retailers are not required to offer checkout bags, but if they do they are then further limited to either recyclable paper bags (with definite requirements on those) or reusable bags.
What does that mean to you? As a visitor, I would plan on packing a reusable bag, many of us already have those for groceries, or carrying a backpack or larger bag with me when shopping. When living on a small piece of land surrounded by ocean, the effect of our trash becomes evident much faster. As with any change, it may take some time to adjust to this ordinance, but let's all hope that in the end it will make a positive difference.
For more information, log on to the County website: www.kauai.gov/recycling
and click on the "Plastic Bag Reduction Ordinance" link in the left
column, or call the County Recycling Office at (808) 241-4837 or (808)